EducationUSA Events
Attend one of our events …
For over thirty years, Brussels College Night has brought U.S. college and university representatives to Brussels each autumn to meet with students and parents from across Belgium. This event is intended for current secondary school students and parents.
Each November, our annual EducationUSA LL.M. Fair provides young lawyers in Belgium the chance to meet and network with admissions officers from 20+ U.S. LL.M. Programs. This event is intended for current law students and recent law school graduates.
Throughout the year, EducationUSA Advisers in Belgium and across Europe organize information sessions (both virtually and in person) and webinars to guide students and parents through the Five Steps to U.S. Study. Follow us on Facebook to see a full list of upcoming events! These events are open to all prospective students.
… or invite us to yours!
We are always looking for ways to expand our network! EducationUSA Advisers are available throughout the year to attend fairs, forums, and job days, and can present on various aspects of the U.S. higher education system. If your institution is organizing an international education-focused event, we’d love to take part.
Send an email to brussels [at]
Event Announcements
November 3, 2015: Webinar for prospective graduate students
Tuesday, November 3: Webinar for prospective graduate students: Beyond the Usual: Exploring fields of study in science and engineering and
October 27, 2015: Webinar for prospective undergraduate students: Who Gets In and Why?
Webinar for prospective undergraduate students: Who Gets In and Why? Learn about how to improve your application to U.S. higher education
College Night Draws 500 Students to 2015 Brussels Fair
On September 28, 2015, EducationUSA Belgium and Luxembourg hosted the 2015 Brussels College Night Fair at St. John’s International School,